Country Fashion
My Thrift Shopping Strategy & Etiquette
Some thrift shops can be relaxing but they can also be like Black Friday. Thrift shopping is often what I refer to as “combat shopping”. People are there to get deals and sometimes they are not going to give you space or be polite about it! They may step into your “zone” and start going through things right next to you when they see you have grabbed a lot of good items. They are not concerned with saying “excuse me” or “sorry”. I have had people take items off of my shopping cart when my back is turned to it! I have had people stare at items in my hand…
3 Ways to Dress in Timeless Feminine Fall Fashion
Ladies, “Timeless” means that no matter the era, some element remains unattached to a particular time in history. It means that no matter how much time goes by, it is still relevant, it still has some quality that transcends time. When it comes to timeless fashion, it may not be that we always wore such bold prints or certain fabrics like stretchy spandex blends, but perhaps the silhouette of our dress, a neckline, or the hemline gracing our lower leg, still communicates an elegance that we recognize today as timelessly feminine and beautiful. Tailored Cardigan In this fall outfit, I am wearing one of my go-to pieces that I wear…
How Classic Style Makes You Look Younger : Fashion Over 35
Ladies, The more I age….the more I find how classic clothing flatters women. If I did not photograph myself so much for this country fashion blog, I would have my skepticism. I do appreciate a wide variety of styles. But there are a few things classic cuts do, that I find more supportive of my beauty as I age, that other styles don’t do as well. This outfit is a wonderful example of these features that I find work so well. I trained myself to sleep on my back for years but I would rather just enjoy my sleep now, so I side sleep as well and this means…..chest wrinkles.…
Feminine Countryside Fashion: Italian Style Inspired Outfit
Ladies, What I love about cultivating a life at home in the countryside is the room for inspiration. I am not boxed in by buildings or other houses and culture that dictate to me what defines the beauty and ambiance around me. My atmosphere is set by the sweeping oak trees, the soft bending blades of grass, the butterflies that are fluttering over the pasture. This is the setting of beauty. All I do is let myself dream and the inspiration comes through my preening of the world around me. I find a common thread (pun intended) to the styles I am drawn to and the undeterred femininity of the…
Styling Leggings with Class : Country Wardrobe Staples
Leggings are a Country Wardrobe Staple Ladies, have you ever had your pant hem get coated in mud? Leggings. Needed to prevent tick bites? Leggings. Cold? Leggings. Legs not shaved? Leggings. Make your legs look slim….black leggings. City women can afford to flit from style to style because their wardrobes are based on looks alone. Country life means we just wear what works even if it’s not “in” anymore….it might be “in” for country life! We need our clothes to work for weather, for pests, for comfort of bending and gardening or milking a cow. Even if you do not do these things outdoors, homemaking work is the same kind…
Dressing Feminine for the Christian Woman
Ladies, Why talk about dressing femininely as a Christian woman? It comes from the truth that God created us uniquely woman from man. Our dress acknowledges and honors this design. Fashion can be a difficult and overwhelming topic for women so this is a topic I approach with the utmost gentleness. I never want a woman to walk away feeling discouraged on this topic. This should be a fun discovery, not a burden! First, there is a scripture that is important to know so that we can exercise discernment about what is pleasing to God. “A woman shall not wear a man’s garment, nor shall a man put on a…
The Lord Jesus Lives
Happy Resurrection weekend. There are no words to praise Jesus enough. There are no words. I was outside one day and looked up and saw the clouds in a cross and took this photo. We all need to look up more. “The LORD lives, and blessed be my rock, and exalted be the God of my salvation” Psalm 18:46
How to Dress Now That You Live in the Country
Ladies, Just because you live rurally does not mean your style has to suffer but it will definitely change. Take it from a woman who “dresses up” daily but I do it in a way that works for country living. These are the items you will find yourself decluttering that simply put, won’t work with your new country life. But there are country alternatives for every item! 1) Declutter: Wide Legged Pants I grew up in the generation before skinny jeans existed so the bottoms of my bootcut jeans were constantly wet and muddy. Slim fit pants were such an incredible upgrade to feeling comfortable and looking more put together.…
How to Embrace Your Femininity
I saw an old photo of myself today and it was a stark contrast to these photos here. I was wearing head to toe black, a black t shirt, black jeans and black slides. Everything looked stuck to my body with no shape or flow. The lack of levity and cheeriness looked so dreary. For all intents and purposes I was wearing what a man could have been wearing. There was nothing happy or beautiful about it. Haha! This is it. It makes me laugh every time I see it. It looks so sad! But here I was going with typical fashion advice (except the slides with socks, that was…
Farmhouse Feminine Fashion: FLORAL PRINTS
You can dress femininely for everyday hard work. Repeat that to yourself every time you think wearing your husband’s work shirt is more “practical”. Feminine clothing is practical if you own items that are comfortable, wash well, are warm enough or cool enough, that stay on your body and do not hinder your movements. Women have been exposed to the overly masculinizing of women’s wear to the point that feminine styles feel less usable, less realistic. But there are very realistic ways to make your wardrobe feminine even for the farm. History is filled with women’s fashion bursting with this uniquely feminine motif, the unapologetic femininity of floral prints. This…