whateverlovely.com Christian homemaking country living fashion blog

“Would you buy this right now?”

This is the question that will change whether you think what you wear is good quality, stylish, or even flattering on you.


Have you ever asked yourself if you would buy your own clothes if you saw them at a shop or online for sale?

Would you reach out and pull them from the rack to admire them or linger on their photograph online? Would they catch your eye?

Plain and simple: Would you pay money to purchase them right now?

Moreover, would you even think they looked in good condition? Are there loose seams or buttons? Threads hanging? Is it faded or is the fabric pilled? Is it misshapen?

Lastly, I have seen many women shocked that their clothing does not qualify to be sold at consignment shops. Would your items be accepted to be sold at a consignment shop?

Consignment shops have pretty high standards for donated clothing. They have to be well made, in good condition, be relevant to the current styles, or be classic pieces that stand the test of time. Many consignment shops will only accept certain higher end brand names to avoid cheap fabrics, bad fit, and clothing that does not last past a season or two.

Think about that…would your clothing be accepted to be sold as a used item?

It is an odd thing, but many women tend to dress in their most worn items without realizing that they need to be replaced. I noticed this about myself, that for years I tended to reach for my lowest level of style items most often before I started considering these questions. It is so easy to be immune to our own clothes that we do not assess them with the same criteria which we use to purchase new items. If you would not purchase your items in the condition or style they are in currently, then it’s time to retire those items.

A Better Wardrobe TODAY

We live in a society that is filled with merchandise to a degree we have never previously enjoyed before. What an irony that women can access more beautiful and comfortable fashions now than before and yet they do not enjoy it or embrace it or see the immense blessing of this amount of goods! Even if you cannot afford to purchase higher quality clothing retail, quality items are donated and are available at very low prices. If you do not like thrift shopping, retail has clearance sales seasonally. Quality clothing abounds in the first world at varying price points. We have access to so much from garage sales, estate sales, Craigslist, facebook marketplace, thrift shops, retail, clearance, seasonal sales, etc. The only limit to dressing well is apathy, or a lack of education in how to improve.

We are so blessed to have the ability to change our clothes and feel and look instantly better! We can take out items that do not lift our countenance and add in clothing that does and it makes such a difference in how we carry ourselves and feel.

If you expect excellence from hotels and businesses rendering service to you, to your husband, to your children, then strive for excellence in your own home as well.

Our wardrobes are a part of our home like our meals or our manners. Curating a quality and beautiful wardrobe for yourself, your husband, and your children is a part of the work of a wife. This is a blessing to everyone and a way to teach the graces of dressing properly.

Part of the work of the wife in the home is to stock our family’s wardrobe with appropriate items for each season and rotate things out to be stored for the off season. We must plan to make clothing purchases much like we plan to make food purchases with a grocery list. Remember to do that for your daily wardrobe as well.

Since you are a major influence of your home as the wife, when you dress well, it sets the precedence of propriety. You are a blessing to your family and home in the way you represent them to the world by your manners and appearance, and you are a blessing to them when you care to be at your best in the home or in public.

Ask yourself, “Would you buy the clothing in your wardrobe right now?”

Make your daily wardrobe decisions to honor God and bless your husband and children. Dressing well uplifts the important work of being a wife, and/or mother and homemaker.




"Whatever is true,
whatever is honorable,
whatever is just,
whatever is pure,
whatever is lovely,
whatever is commendable,
if there is any excellence,
if there is anything worthy of praise
think about these things."
Philippians 4:8

Blogging about country living, homemaking, fashion and decor tips with a penchant for all things princessy, Barbie

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