pink faux hydrangeas in white ceramic vase on porch for spring decor from hobby lobby
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SPRING DECORATING with Realistic Faux Flowers & Plants from Hobby Lobby Christian homemaking country living fashion blog


Even if you love real flowers and plants like I do, I advise you to not limit yourself by snubbing good faux florals and plants to decorate your interiors! It is an effortless way to decorate for year-round beauty indoors. They are never going to dry and crumble, wilt or die. Once purchased, your faux florals and plants are in your decor to be used again and again in fresh arrangements.

Read my article here on identifying the most realistic faux flowers & plants to get your collection going.

This spring at Hobby Lobby I bought four of the most realistic items they had (oh they had more good ones, but my budget wouldn’t allow more for now!) But case in point, if you could only buy a few on budget, I would recommend these as top notch!

Myrtle Tree

This is the Myrtle Plant in Black Pot and it is far and beyond many of the other large potted plants in the store. From the color, texture, and density of the leaves to the realistic trunk and bark, it stands up as a great decor piece that will last. I especially like how this small tree looks good for spring and summer but would look beautiful in the fall and winter too!

myrtle tree flanking front door for spring front porch decor
myrtle tree flanking front door for spring front porch decor


This is the Flocked Lavender Bush and I stuffed five of these gorgeous pieces into this vase for a full look. As a gardener, I am picky about how realistic my flowers look for indoor decorating and these look exquisite. I would have linked this vase, which was also bought at Hobby Lobby, but it does not appear to be made anymore as it is no longer on their website.

You will notice in my faux flower arrangements right now I am using one type of stem in a large quantity to create a full look, instead of a mix of types. Creating a realistic faux arrangement does not mean a lot of plant or flower variation. If you can only find one realistic looking flower or spray, then just bunch that one together for a mono-crop arrangement. This simplifies things for someone unsure of mixing and creating a more dynamic arrangement. I am still collecting enough items to mix and match together. Once I have enough realistic branches of various kinds, I can start mixing them to create varied arrangements. I also think that bundling the same flower or greenery together looks beautiful.

lavender bouquet in white vase on countertop for spring decor
lavender bouquet in white vase on countertop for spring decor


This is the Frosted Green & Charcoal Spray which has a blueish green hue and a rubbery leaf that makes it look realistic. A key feature to look for in faux greenery is many small leaves on the plastic branches. The busy-ness in the leaf pattern and high density will fill out and cover any plastic looking parts. Although even these plastic branches blend in very nicely and do not look obviously plastic.

realistic faux greenery in pink glass vase on dresser for interior decorating for spring
realistic faux greenery in pink glass vase on dresser for interior decorating for spring


This is a large hydrangea stem in the color pink. I was equally as impressed with the same product in the color white. These two colors looked the most realistic to me out of all of the color choices. I wanted the cheery feminine style of pink hydrangeas for my spring front porch decor. The leaves and the stems are not as realistic looking as the flower heads, so to diminish attention to those things, I paired 5 stems together for a filled-out vase. This downplayed the other parts by squishing them between and beneath all of the large heads.

This white ceramic vase is also from Hobby Lobby at this link here.

pink faux hydrangeas in white ceramic vase on porch for spring decor from hobby lobby
pink faux hydrangeas in white ceramic vase on porch for spring decor from hobby lobby

Be sure to shop the faux florals and plants during the week they are 40% off, which is every other week.

Happy Spring Decorating!

"Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise think about these things." Philippians 4:8 Blogging about country living, homemaking, fashion and decor tips with a penchant for all things princessy, Barbie

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