This article will cover the most vital ten items to question about potential properties. If you are purchasing an existing house check out Top 10 Tips for buying a Country House click here. 1. Road access. You drove up to the property listing. Is the road to access to the property maintained by the buyer, …
Showing: 41 - 44 of 44 Articles10 Tips for buying a House in the Country
These are the ten most important questions to ask when buying a house in the country. To see the 10 Tips for Buying Land click here. 1. Water. Is it well or city water? What is the age and condition of the well equipment? What is the well water pressure like? 2. Test your water. …
Why I Love Country Life & Why You Might too! A Dreamy Home Retreat
In the morning, I get dressed on my way out of bed and I head outdoors with a hot coffee. The scenery is full of the news of my surroundings and the headlines are joyful: “Sunlight peers through the trees”, “Fog blankets dew kissed pasture”, While the world rushes by distracted…. “The birds sing”. The …
How to be a Homemaker without Money or a Dream Home
Ladies, The goal can be a pinterest worthy home. But what about the homemakers in the unphotogenic circumstance? Do they proudly wear the title “Homemaker”? When our surroundings do not match our hopes and dreams, we may feel unqualified in our position. But the home doesn’t do the making, the maker does. The home does …