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Cleaning your house is easier, faster, and cheaper with these pro homemaking tips from your ordinary next-door homemaker here to let you in on tried-and-true tips. As a homemaker, you will eventually learn how to spend less money in some categories but spend more in others where a certain tool or product makes the job better. Share your tips below!

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1. Never Use Window/Mirror Cleaner Again

While some window cleaners are better than others, it was a losing battle to clean windows and mirrors until I discovered a specific type of cleaning cloth that is called “microfiber”, but it is woven into a smooth surface, not a fuzzy one. This specific type of window cleaning cloth requires zero cleaner to get glass perfectly clean. It only requires water, if any at all to buff glass into a truly crystal-clear state. Your windows and mirrors will never be cleaner, and it only costs you the one-time purchase of the cloths, no more window/mirror cleaning product. You can still use a cleaning product if desired and sometimes I use product with the cloth on extremely scummy surfaces to break down the surface dirt first. These cloths leave the least amount of lint and dust behind than any other method. These cloths are a true breakthrough. There are name brands and knock offs that you can purchase online. Just search “window cleaning cloth”. Here is a link to the ones I have been using for years.

2. Bleach Tablets in Back of Toilet

We should all be diligent about cleaning the toilet inside and outside on a weekly basis, but bleach tablets keep the toilet more sanitary and cleaner looking in between cleanings. If you are unfamiliar with this product, they are about the size of a bar of soap and all you do is remove the lid on the back of the toilet and drop it in. For the next few months, your toilet water will have an amount of bleach in it with every flush that greatly reduces the appearance of bowl scum. You can buy name brand or off brand tablets, just go by the directions.

wedding registry gift ideas for bathroom

3. Mop Shower & Bathtub

You can clean your shower and bathtub with a sponge mop with a scrubby side to the sponge. This will save yourself the backache of bending over and scrubbing the tub on your knees. However, it still takes some elbow grease to mop the walls. The long handle keeps you upright and the large mop head covers more acreage, so the job goes faster. Dawn dish soap cuts body oils and dirt that cling to the surfaces. For mineral deposits, white distilled vinegar with the scrubby side of the mop breaks it down. Another product that works great on its own is Simple Green. Spray the entire surface, let sit a few minutes, then scrub it off with the mop and rinse. You will need to wipe smaller areas by hand with a sponge or a rag, but the large areas can be quickly cleaned with the mop.

4. Sweep Dirt into One Pile & Vaccuum Pile

Vacuuming can be time consuming. With hard floors, sometimes it is much quicker to sweep everything and then vacuum up the one pile. This is also a more peaceful tactic for when you don’t want to make a lot of noise in the household. This tactic is good for early mornings, late evenings, or anytime you prefer to clean without rattling the atmosphere. This is a good idea for when you have overnight guests to not have long vacuum running sessions during their stay.

5. Use a Stick Vaccuum Cleaner

The type of vacuum you use makes a huge difference in how quickly you can do the job and with what difficulty. A stick vacuum style is the easiest and lightest to quickly move around and they pivot like a dream around furniture legs. My stick vacuum cleaner makes this job so much easier than my old-style heavy vacuum. This is where it is worth buying a high-end brand that will clean the floors the best, be the easiest to use, and be easy to maintain and not break on you.

6. Pay More for Better Dish Soap

As a young newlywed, I bought the largest bottle of the cheapest dish soap, but I found myself going through it rather quickly. That is, until I spent a little more money on the grease fighting power of Dawn dish soap. I did find that this brand required me to use less. Sometimes name brands are no different from off brands, but sometimes you get what you pay for. I used less soap and it cut grease more efficiently. I did pay more, but the soap lasted longer. Maybe it all evened out in the end monetarily, but I enjoyed the way Dawn cleaned so well.

7. Use Half the Amount of Dishwasher Detergent

Fill the dishwasher detergent cup half-way. If you wipe all gunk including excess fat into the trash bin before loading, the water is so piping hot, with half the amount it can still cut remaining grease and come out clean. Try it out for yourself and if the dishes come out clean, your detergent bill will go down and your dishes will be less coated in that strong product. This effect will vary depending on your water being hard or soft, and depending on how dirty your dishes are that go in.

8. Use Gloves

Disposable cleaning gloves are essential for cleaning the toilet bowl, then into the trash they go. Disposable gloves are essential anytime you use a cleaning product that would otherwise have contact with your skin. Cleaning products, even natural ones are designed to break down oils and are quite caustic. Dish gloves can be used for weeks or even months before degrading and needing to be replaced. Dish gloves keep your hands from being sucked dry of all natural oils. Have a stash of cleaning gloves.

9. Use Dish Rags Instead of Sponges

Sponges harbor bacteria. Use dish rags for by hand dishes and for countertop and tabletop wiping. This will keep your kitchen more sanitary since you can throw them in the washing machine every few days. Set out a freshly washed dish rag every couple days, some people do every day, and it will never be too bacteria laden to the point of being unsanitary. This will not only be healthier than a sponge, but it will also save you money from buying kitchen sponges on rotation.

10. Cut Sponges in Half

Sponges can be helpful or even necessary in some instances. Cut your sponges in half to double their lifespan for certain duties that require a sponge. That half of a sponge will work just as fine as the whole thing and sometimes be even better sized for the job when smaller.

It takes years to refine your cleaning systems.

You may discover better products or methods years down the road, the important thing is to do the best you can with what you have right now. Even if you do not clean the best way, make it a point to clean your home consistently. You learn by doing, not just by watching someone else do it in a video or reading someone talking about it in an article. Put your hand to the work and you will learn what works for you in your home.


"Whatever is true,
whatever is honorable,
whatever is just,
whatever is pure,
whatever is lovely,
whatever is commendable,
if there is any excellence,
if there is anything worthy of praise
think about these things."
Philippians 4:8

Blogging about country living, homemaking, fashion and decor tips with a penchant for all things princessy, Barbie

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