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The wisest of women builds her house

Proverbs 14:1


The effect that you have on your household cannot be overstated. Tending a home has immediate effects and long-term effects. It is sometimes seen as inconsequential, optional, or a hobby. These perspectives have come about in a culture that has slid further and further away from the Word of God guiding what they value. In the Holy Bible, we see that the work in the home is emphasized as vital and immensely valuable. (Titus 2)

making a house a home
My rental property before I started homemaking here

Homemaking Effects the Atmosphere, Lifestyle & wellness of the Home & the Family

When a woman tends to her home, she effects the atmosphere of it, the daily lifestyle of her family, their health, their hygiene, their presentation, and that of the actual home. This tending is often not seen, it is the fact that people are clean and eating well, have clean laundry and a clean house to be in. Yet this tending is still more than the physical, it is about our words, our attitude and how we nurture our family with love and kindness.

homemaking garden and decor tips
My rental property after homemaking here

We don’t always get a before and after of the effects of our homemaking but sometimes we get a glimpse of it.

Sometimes we need to be reminded that there is a before-homemaking state of things and an after-homemaking state of things.

Sometimes the effects are fleeting like a tidied room that looks nice in the morning then looks wilted later on. Sometimes it is a garden in bloom that lasts a few weeks on end. Sometimes it is the emotional and spiritual effects that homemaking has that lasts a lifetime in a person’s mind and heart. But a woman’s presence and work in her home effects everything.

Your homemaking has a profound effect on your family

No one can really opt out of homemaking; it is either practiced or it is neglected. For the Christian woman, our homes are a way we serve God by taking care of what He entrusted to us, the house itself and the people in it. With as much as we are encouraged by a visual result of homemaking, remember that everything you do has an effect that surpasses the physical.

Every woman has a unique strength in her home.

Some are exceptional housekeepers, some are cooks, some are gardeners, some are decorators. We are all unique in the way we do this work but the guiding principle of the Holy Bible is that of the Proverbs 31 woman who “looks well to the ways of her household”.

With as much as our work at home has an outward effect, it has an inward effect on us too.

We’re supposed to be caretakers of our home and family in a primary way. Maybe this was never outright taught as primary in your life. Very few people had this work emphasized to them as work until they came into it and realized how much work is involved in homemaking. If it’s not hard, you’re not doing it right. But knowing that my home is in order, clean, well fed, and a place we love to be, that is a blessing, even for the woman doing the work.

Her children rise up and call her blessed;
    her husband also, and he praises her:
“Many women have done excellently,
    but you surpass them all.”
Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain,
    but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
Give her of the fruit of her hands,
    and let her works praise her in the gates.

Proverbs 31:28-31


"Whatever is true,
whatever is honorable,
whatever is just,
whatever is pure,
whatever is lovely,
whatever is commendable,
if there is any excellence,
if there is anything worthy of praise
think about these things."
Philippians 4:8

Blogging about country living, homemaking, fashion and decor tips with a penchant for all things princessy, Barbie

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