5 Truths about Homemaking from a Career Housewife

Your work at home is a job. The home job is serious work too. But this work is different from jobs outside of the home in that many people see a woman working in her home as not “working”. A home is a place of rest and leisure yes, but it is also a place we must manage and preen. It is both to be enjoyed and languished in and also scrubbed and fixed by a diligent worker.
There are many rewards of full-time homemaking. I come and go as I please. I make my own schedule. I get to prioritize dinner time every day, so that it is not a disorganized, expensive affair. I get to lean into my creativity. I get to rest when I need to. And there are so many more things I could list but here are just five more truths about the blessing of working at home!

Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled.
Titus 2:3-5
1) You are your own boss.
All this talk about “boss babes” getting your down while you are at home feeling like you do nothing? Well guess what, this is your own domain where it is vital for you to make wise decisions and decisive action. From budgeting to home hygiene and upholding a standard of excellence, there is nothing unimportant about homemaking. You are in this role to make a home a serene and beautiful place for people to be. If only every home in society had this kind of focused attention, with a worker dedicated to nurturing her household, we would be the most blessed society.
2) You don’t need somewhere to go, you have somewhere to be.
Everyone else is rushing out to work early and then fighting traffic to get back home later. You are not rushing off in the morning and clawing your way back in the evening. You do not spend much money at the gas pump. You do not have the pressure to be somewhere on time. Home is where your work is cut out and all you have to do is wake up with the mindset to treat your household like it matters. Leaving the home does not equal productivity! Being gone from home does not mean you did something important.
3) Homemaking work is no more mundane than workforce work.
Which sounds better, spending your time doing mundane repetitive tasks for someone else on a schedule that you can’t escape, or doing mundane repetitive tasks that you can take a break from at your own will? Dishes are a rotational task we all get tired of but so are dishes that need to be cleared and washed in a restaurant. If you need the money, then by all means do it for someone else. Otherwise enjoy the freedom of doing the same work at home but doing it your own way, with the rest you need in between and with the whole day at your discretion not someone else’s.
4) Homemaking is not being chained to housework it is freedom from being chained to the workforce.
I prefer doing my own housework than workplace work. I love the immediate reward of making something clean or pretty. I love having my own ideas and doing it the way I see best, not being told how exactly to fold my towels, or how to display them like a workforce job does dictate. I like to decide how I will clean something, display something, or arrange something. I like to decide when to declutter something, when to buy something, and what to prioritize. I enjoy the autonomy of my own decision making and my own creativity which is just not the case in workforce jobs where you are told exactly what to do, when to do it, and how to do it.
5) Unless you are independently wealthy, full-time homemaking is made possible by a loving husband who honors you working at home.
My husband is thankful that I tend to the home full time. He loves having fresh laundry folded and hung up for him ready to use. He has a bedroom with fresh sheets and a bathroom with fresh towels. He never has to fend for himself for meals because I have food ready for him at mealtimes. He likes how I keep our house clean, and he enjoys the dignity of that. He enjoys the furniture and decorating that I put in place because I considered his preferences in the design as well. He likes how he feels able to offer hospitality from our home because it is presentable and inviting to others. Having a husband who values a wife working at home is the key to attaining this wonderful job.
If we want husbands who honor our work at home as the Bible tells them to do, then we must work honorably in the home, as the Bible tells us to do.
Happy homemaking!