Good Character is What Makes You an Excellent Homemaking Wife
Ladies, When we read about the Proverbs 31 wife, we do not just read a list of her accomplishments, actually we see the deeper character traits that motive her and how her husband can give her the high compliment of “many have done excellently, but you surpass them all”. We can read any book of the Bible and see bad character vs good character through the many historical accounts of who did what and why and how that turned out. We can even read an entire book of Proverbs on the subject to see the constant contrasting of foolishness vs wisdom. We can even get a list of bad character…
Homemakers Do More than House Keeping: Skill Building in Your Interests
Ladies, Sometimes homemaking encouragement can seem like championing being just one dynamic of ourselves, a housekeeping, cooking, cleaning machine. But look past the daily duties of the homemaker to the dynamic woman she is: She is a gardener, a food preservation expert, a soap maker, a jewelry designer, a farmer, a musician, a writer, a reader, an athlete, a photographer, a seamstress, the list goes on. Christians model their role as homemaker by the standard set in the Holy Bible. The Proverbs 31 woman is praised for her God-fearing character driving her ambition and work to bless her husband and her household. First, Master the Basics When working at home…
How to be a Better Homemaker: Work like the Maid
Ladies, Do you want to know what changed my homemaking game? Working like a hotel maid in my own home. Funnily enough, I have met homemaking wives who are greatly insulted to be equated to a maid. But the fact is, homemaking is largely the work of the maid. It is resetting the room. The maid comes by a room every day to tidy, wash, or re-stock. We are the daily maid to our home, whether we like that or not. A Maid is Ready for the Job A hotel maid is expected to have her hair neatly tied back and wear a clean outfit with comfortable shoes. She is…
10 Tips for the Best Guest Prep HOSTESS GUIDE
Ladies, We prepare for guests by anticipating their needs and desires. Tips can feel overwhelming because it’s a lot of information but know that it’s not about perfection, it’s about thoughtfulness. The most seasoned hostess is still always learning. She is merely willing to notice a person’s needs and willing to serve them during the stay. The goal is to serve others out of reverence for Christ. Never feel like you need it all figured out to be a good hostess but also be willing to do your best out of love. These 10 tips will help you build on a solid foundation of good guest preparedness. Aside from reflecting…
Christian Homemaking: The Good, The Bad & The How to
Ladies, are you new to homemaking? I began homemaking as a newlywed full time 15 years ago, because I had always treasured this wifely role in my heart. I longed for the domestic job of my own home. But it came as a shock to me as I stepped into this realm, that it was a very difficult path for many reasons. I love creating clean and beautiful rooms, wonderful food and welcoming ambiance…but I did this work very much alone in my conviction for it. There was no Pinterest showcasing other wives doing this work, their homes, tips, or support. There was no cultural movement that encouraged us. The…
Food Waste is Not Always Failure: Christian Homemaking
Ladies, Every time I scrape food into the trash, I cringe at the wasted food. If it’s one thing that makes me feel like a total failure as a wife running a home, it’s food waste. I am so aware of the blessing of having food. I never want to waste it. But that is it right there. It is important to manage your household well, but it is entirely a different matter to be weighed down by the expectation to never waste food. “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and…