How to Make Your Home Cozy
Ladies, If you are on the quest to “cozify” your home, here is a checklist to get you there. New and seasoned homemakers are always learning new ways to do things. If anything, it is insightful to see what other ladies emphasize in their homes and what things you end up emphasizing as most important. Leave your own tips in the comments for others to learn from too. Lamp Light There is no quicker way to create a cozy room than by lamp light. But be sure to buy low wattage yellow soft bulbs or else your lamp light will just look too blue and bright. Small lamps fit perfectly…
Ladylike Dressing for the Day
Ladies, Not many decades ago, “dressing for the day” was a daily morning routine for women, no matter her financial state. In fact, sometimes the more dire her life circumstance, a woman would be even more careful to assume the position of dignity. This meant making the most of what she owned by keeping it clean and well put together. This is true for our homes as well as our appearance. She makes bed coverings for herself; her clothing is fine linen and purple. Proverbs 31:22 Daily Dressing is Polite A lot has been said about dressing being the message you can send without saying words. This is true. And it goes both ways.…
Homemaking Academy: College Classes & Other Courses to Become a Homemaker
Ladies, Our society may see things like college courses as a means into the workforce, but college courses are valuable as a means to running a home. In fact, how many of us have stepped into our homes after college to realize we did not have an education in homemaking even though we held a degree in something else? And how many times have women at home been labeled as “not using her degree” even though many of the things we learned in classes helped us at home? It is up to us to see all information we learn as pertinent to our home job and apply it there as…
Homemakers Do More than House Keeping: Skill Building in Your Interests
Ladies, Sometimes homemaking encouragement can seem like championing being just one dynamic of ourselves, a housekeeping, cooking, cleaning machine. But look past the daily duties of the homemaker to the dynamic woman she is: She is a gardener, a food preservation expert, a soap maker, a jewelry designer, a farmer, a musician, a writer, a reader, an athlete, a photographer, a seamstress, the list goes on. Christians model their role as homemaker by the standard set in the Holy Bible. The Proverbs 31 woman is praised for her God-fearing character driving her ambition and work to bless her husband and her household. First, Master the Basics When working at home…
Homemaking Before & After: The Blessing of a Homemaker
The wisest of women builds her house Proverbs 14:1 Ladies, The effect that you have on your household cannot be overstated. Tending a home has immediate effects and long-term effects. It is sometimes seen as inconsequential, optional, or a hobby. These perspectives have come about in a culture that has slid further and further away from the Word of God guiding what they value. In the Holy Bible, we see that the work in the home is emphasized as vital and immensely valuable. (Titus 2) Homemaking Effects the Atmosphere, Lifestyle & wellness of the Home & the Family When a woman tends to her home, she effects the atmosphere of it,…
How to Create a Welcoming Front Porch through Decor & Upkeep
Ladies, For those of us who love decorating, we get giddy to change up our front porch style with the seasons. Let me take a moment to invite new homemakers into the fun of decorating her front porch. As with all things style, it is far from frivolous. The front porch is a focal point of the house, it welcomes guests, and it imparts cheeriness to the world around it by looking inviting and beautiful. Your front porch says something about the woman who tends the home. The front porch is meant to make your home look like a well-kept and welcoming place. Make it a part of your homemaking…
The Pastime of Daily Walks & Different Kinds of Walks
Ladies, We are immune to ourselves, are we not? What is most normal and habitual in my life is foreign and strange to another. This reality has stunned me on more than one occasion when I have met people who never spend time outdoors and who never take walks. How can this be? My mind can hardly take in the absurdity of never going outdoors, let alone never going on a walk. I can’t imagine never thirsting for the breeze, never feeling the sunshine’s healthy rays glow through my skin, never enjoying the sunrise or sunset, and never spending time beneath the starry sky. Stroll with me for a moment…
Starting Over Moving Tips: What Furniture to Leave, Take, & Why to Start Fresh
Ladies, This past summer found me breaking camp here in the Southeast US for the long journey of moving back to the West Coast of the US. Even after 20 years of moving constantly, I still enjoy looking up other people’s moving and packing tips. But most tips are about how to pack not how to reason through what to keep and the cost of moving things vs repurchasing. You can read about How to Furnish an Entire House for Less than $5,000 here. For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven Ecclesiastes 3:1 Many People Find This Shocking But… You might want to get…
How to Garden During Summer When it’s too Hot to Garden: Make a Garden Photo Book
Ladies, The mid-summer heat is in full force and aside from some sturdy roses, my garden has all but collapsed as of July. Which means of course that I have learned many garden lessons to take with me into seasons ahead. More heat tolerant perennials…check! More morning watering, check! More weeding….check. Less mixed seed packets and more packets of just my favorites…check. I could go on with the lessons learned as I have retreated indoors to the air conditioning, a bit deflated but not disheartened. Gardening is as much soldiering on with wisdom from failures as it is marching triumphantly in the victories. And there were as many failures as…
5 Classy & Slimming Amazon Summer Dresses
Ladies, When it comes to finding stylishly modest, feminine, and classy clothes, it can be like finding a needle in a haystack. Find a high enough neckline? The skirt has a split up to the crotch. Most things are see-through. Then throw in the summer season and things can either go tight or baggy and not especially well fitting and sleek. When I find these gems, I blog them for your benefit to keep you up to date on classy and feminine wardrobe finds. PRO SHOPPING TIP Many classy dresses are often labeled “Office Dress” or “Wedding Guest Dress” because these are some of the occasions where people still practice…