whateverlovely.com Christian homemaking country living fashion blog

A Classic Fashion Formula

Ladies, cold weather can make one feel hulky and pajama-y. I grew up in cold weather and so take it from me, it can be done in a beautiful way and still keep you warm.

Leggings & Skirts

There are two vital pieces for a classy and feminine cold weather wardrobe: fleece lined leggings and skirts. I love the midi length skirt but today I am featuring another favorite paired with leggings, the short skirt.

Especially if you are feeling bulky or want something simple but feminine, a shorter sheath style skirt is a good lightweight option instead of something flowy or long. If you like wearing leggings with tops, you will love this fashion formula. It is just one more piece layered over that combination, and it creates an instantly polished look. If your top is not long enough to be modest with leggings, the short skirt becomes the modesty factor. Easy fix.

Something else to note is that leggings are never “out of style” for cold weather. This is a cold weather wardrobe staple. Leggings are how we stay warm. We wear them under other pants, under skirts, or just as a pant with long tops.

Leggings make short skirts modest and short skirts make leggings modest!

In cold weather, these items work together to keep you warm and styled!

feminine classy fall outfit wool plaid skirt and leggings

Choose warmer fabrics

Emphasis on the “fleece lined leggings”. For cold weather, not just any leggings will work. Fleece lined leggings make a difference in keeping you warm. If you can afford next to skin wool leggings those are also non-itchy and super insulating leggings.

plaid wool skirt outfit idea

The Lord blesses me to find quality wool skirts at thrift shops so always check your thrift shops year-round to prepare for cold weather. These kinds of insulating and vintage feminine pieces are in stock whenever they are donated so don’t wait until it gets cold, be on the lookout for them whenever you thrift. You can also search for them online.

For cold weather, wool skirts are superior for warmth as they are water resistant, great insulation and a wind barrier. Yes, the material actually matters. You can wear any short skirt over leggings as this fashion formula, but wool skirts insulate better than other materials such as cotton, acrylic, or polyester for instance. This is a cold weather fashion formula, so these details are a part of that. Skirts give a ladylike polish, but they are also another barrier against cold!

feminine fall outfit plaid wool skirt

I recommend knit sweater tops, not t-shirt material tops. Knit sweater tops have more structure and lay better than jersey type material t-shirt fabric. The better fabric of your tops alone will make you look less frumpy. This is a sweater top in a peacock green with scalloped neckline and sleeves and these kinds of style details also make a sweater top look feminine. This type of thin sweater can be tucked into a skirt without making your waist look bulkier.

modest feminine fall outfit idea

Get Dressed for the Day

It is never a waste to get dressed in the morning even when you’re at home. Fall is a season of beautiful clothing from plaids to knitwear, to rich jewel toned colors that never go out of style. You will feel so much more productive and dignified being well dressed. Your own household would love to see you at your best every day. This curated wardrobe looks beautiful and feels good for being outdoors in the countryside, for housework, or for driving to town for errands in cold fall weather.

classy feminine fall outfit

Your presence of dignity and beauty in your home is a blessing to your family. Every day is a gift from God and an opportunity to bring joy and goodness to the little world that you get to influence.



About Author

"Whatever is true,
whatever is honorable,
whatever is just,
whatever is pure,
whatever is lovely,
whatever is commendable,
if there is any excellence,
if there is anything worthy of praise
think about these things."
Philippians 4:8

Blogging about country living, homemaking, fashion and decor tips with a penchant for all things princessy, Barbie

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