Country Fashion

Dressing in Your Nice Clothes Daily Christian homemaking country living fashion blog

Modern society has relegated pretty dresses to special occasions. What a travesty to waste such beautiful fabrics for a rare day. How odd that we feel that to dress for the day we must be around anyone but our families. I became disenchanted with the way we banished beauty. I began reaching for the most lovely items daily.

I would have to fight against my trained sense of “that’s too nice”. Too nice for what?! To wear? To enjoy? To bless my family by looking my best for them? I would put on that favorite item and actually wear it rather than admire it when I opened the wardrobe in the morning.

“But I have work to do! I have animals that will dirty things”, the reasons went on….until I realized that even pretty things can be washed and patterns are really good at hiding mess and stains! Even pretty things can be durable.

It started to dawn on me how much of my femininity has been diminished through the idea that it’s not suitable for life. That a dress is considered fancy is inaccurate when a dress can vary greatly in style from daywear to formal. We have become untrained in seeing the difference because we stopped allowing feminine style to exist as anything other than occasion wear.

I want my family to experience the blessings of my womanly senses. It thrilled me when my mother dressed in her best. Children notice when there is a standard and a beauty which sets a pleasant tone in the home and also nurtures respect. Women working at home are working not lounging around with no sense of dignity. So put on something worthy of your calling. Be dignified in your daily home life by embracing your favorite pretty items as the ones you actually wear. Let your family know you in this light not because they won’t love you if you don’t but because they get to see you thrive.

Every day has beauty in nature, it does not save its best for certain days. The ordinary day at home is the most beautiful day I have ever lived.

"Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise think about these things." Philippians 4:8 Blogging about country living, homemaking, fashion and decor tips with a penchant for all things princessy, Barbie

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