Decorate with Me: Classy Fall Tablescape & How to Layer Decor

Come into my kitchen today to decorate with me for my fall tablescape. Think of this as a template to create a classy and layered design for a high use table. You can get as creative as you want, but this idea is an outline and just needs to be filled in with your specific finds!

The Main Centerpiece
I always start decorating the table with the main focal piece/largest piece first. Once this is in place, everything else comes in to compliment it or balance it. I think this is important for all of decorating. People tend to gather a lot of little things first and try to arrange them and they are often lacking the big pieces. Go for the big piece first. My big piece is a large vase with a faux arrangement of branches and greenery.
Conversational Height
Ok ladies, we see gorgeous tablescapes all the time but in reality…many of them don’t work. They are mere works of art. When you are decorating for a meal keep in mind that a tablescape should not block people’s faces. It is best to keep things at “conversational height” and avoid blocking the view of people from each other. I try to keep the tallest decor on the table at adult neck height or lower. I thrifted this vintage glass vase specifically because it was lower than most vases and I wanted an arrangement that was not too tall!

A Great Vase & Arrangement Goes a Long Way
If you want to stop at this point, you can. Something as simple as a beautiful vase with a nice arrangement at a good height is enough for a tablescape. It does not have to be more filled in than this, especially if you prefer to have space on the table for food items at mealtimes. I have a separate place near the table for food items, so I fill my tabletop with a bit more decor.

Are we all on the tapered candlestick bandwagon yet? I feel like many of us are loving this look! This is such a beautiful look from a bygone era that has come roaring back into our homes giving it a romance that has been long lost. Brass candlesticks especially are just *chef hand kisses* Bellissima. There is nothing like lighting a candle at dinner and enjoying the soft glow. I have even read about ill-behaved children sitting up straight and putting on good manners when the candles are lit at dinner. What an interesting tactic! Decor can be a signal to the moment of finery, a moment of thanksgiving and to calm behavior and enjoy the meal and conversation. Of course, be sure candles are spaced apart from an arrangement or other decor when it is to be lit. For a small table like mine, I would remove the arrangement and leave the candles for the meal.

Trays make a grouping belong together. Look at the above photos. See the candlesticks next to the vase without the tray? Now see the vase and the candlesticks both on the tray next to each other. The tray makes the grouping belong together. It’s not that it is wrong without the tray, but a grouping looks cohesive with a tray. The tray is the common bond between items that are on top of it. Trays are a way of making decor or any item, look like it belongs together. Using another item like a tray also “fills in” the display. You are adding in the shape, texture, and size of the tray to the display thereby adding in more interest to the grouping. You are also somewhat enhancing the items by highlighting them with the tray. But a tray can also be a highlighted item itself and be enhanced by the items on it. Decor works in both directions like that as you group items together.

The Subtlety of Classy Fall Decor
Things that look classy for fall are simple changes. The same glass vase used for flowers in the summertime are now used for evergreen branches. Patina metals like brass, while I use them year-round, get brought to the center of the decor in different pairings. This combination here with the brass candlesticks on the silver tray looks like a holiday combination to me. Gold and silver together look Christmasy without being soley for Christmas, so I love the look of this pairing for Autumn.
This is just one tablescape idea, look at my other articles for more ideas and tips to decorate for classy fall decor!

To God be the glory for all the beauty we get to experience.