Why I Love Country Life & Why You Might too! A Dreamy Home Retreat

In the morning, I get dressed on my way out of bed and I head outdoors with a hot coffee. The scenery is full of the news of my surroundings and the headlines are joyful: “Sunlight peers through the trees”, “Fog blankets dew kissed pasture”, While the world rushes by distracted…. “The birds sing”. The moments of the morning suspend in the very air I inhale. Droplets of mist and pollen glisten as they ballet dance in the sun rays. Out here the land seems to exist with no time, it just is. The pastel soft colors awaken slowly into day light. Every morning a gift, each morning unique.
There are a million little things happening at once and yet it all serenades peacefully together. The birds sing different songs and chirps, some insects ring out, the cows moo, the breeze rustles the trees. Butterflies flutter about and kitty follows me everywhere I walk. It all makes up a beauty that I get to experience every day that I praise The Lord Jesus for.
I often hear people talk about their “magical” vacations to Ireland, France, Italy, the list goes on. But when they describe why it was so special, they are describing things that I experience every single day right here in the USA. Except when you live in these places people call it “the sticks” or “up river” or “the middle of nowhere”. But the dreamy descriptions of rolling green hills, picking apples in the morning for breakfast, watching cows graze and hearing only the birds….this is the reality of my country life.

Instead of turning on the news in the morning, I open the Holy Bible. I feed my soul. I go outside and breathe in a stunning vacation getaway retreat every day. There are no sirens or traffic noise, just the rooster down the way and the joy filled songs of birds. I thank God for everything beautiful and ask Him to give me His instruction, His wisdom, and His peace. And out here, I have the space and serenity to just be in prayer and enjoy the surroundings.

Country living can be that getaway vacation retreat. It’s not a perfect world out here but it’s as perfect as I’m going to get in a fallen world.