country walk outdoors Christian homemaking country living fashion blog


We are immune to ourselves, are we not? What is most normal and habitual in my life is foreign and strange to another. This reality has stunned me on more than one occasion when I have met people who never spend time outdoors and who never take walks. How can this be? My mind can hardly take in the absurdity of never going outdoors, let alone never going on a walk. I can’t imagine never thirsting for the breeze, never feeling the sunshine’s healthy rays glow through my skin, never enjoying the sunrise or sunset, and never spending time beneath the starry sky.

fall leaves girl walking over bridge in the countryside

Stroll with me for a moment

This is not just something to schedule in or do just for results. This is a pastime; something done for the pleasantry of it or a diversion from hardship.

Think of how many hours a day you spend sitting indoors. You need to counter that time with movement for blood flow, oxygen boost and muscle engagement. But beyond the physical benefits, how is a life spent isolated from nature even remotely healthy? What does this teach children? To be afraid of the outdoors? To avoid it? To sit all day? To just look at a screen? To never take in the world around them and be inquisitive or take time to themselves to wander and observe real life happening around them? The outdoors is the real classroom for children and adults to spark imagination and to ask questions. How can we not realize how much there is to learn when we can so easily observe so many wonders? Being outdoors reminds you of the wonders around you. Being outdoors reminds you that the sky is there, and it reminds you of higher things, heavenly things. Looking up at the sky directs your gaze to God and not just around at the world or inward toward your own emotions, fears, or anxieties.

The heavens declare the glory of God,
    and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.

Psalm 19:1

Enjoy Different Kinds of Walks

Daily walks can be a reprieve from hard work, a time to pray and process emotions and ideas, or as exercise if done at a faster pace. I like to be conscious of what kind of walk I need, that way I am aware of how to walk for that purpose. Somedays you might recognize that you need to slow down and meander. Other days, you might blow off stress by power walking. You might enjoy walking vigorously to relieve energy and stress at first, then slow to a stroll to be refreshed by an easy pace. I have known many people who have shed significant amounts of weight just by walking daily. But what of shedding stresses and simply enjoying this wonderful time away?

Have “Date Walks” with Your Husband

This is one of our favorite date activities. This is a free date that you can do at home on your own property, in your neighborhood, or even in town in a scenic area. But this is also a great activity as a part of a date out after a meal, drinks, or dessert. A walk affords you the opportunity to hold hands and talk, which is a simple yet important way to be connected to your spouse.

The After Dinner Walk

Every family has their own “culture”, just how a nation has culture, states have culture, even towns have their own culture. Your family has a culture. We all take culture from our parents’ homes and often without thinking, infuse that culture into our own family. But we are in control of what cultural things we want to change or keep for our own family. A part of the culture of my family growing up that I perpetuated into my own family was the “after dinner walk”. Which yes, the whole family got up and went outdoors to walk after eating. It was a way to settle full stomachs, change the scenery for different conversation, help burn off after dinner energy of the children, and enjoy the beauty of sunset and dusk. Our after-dinner walks can be long or short, but they are not an exercise walk, just a steady pace for conversation and enjoyment of a refreshing jaunt outside.

Elizabeth Bennet Walks in Pride & Prejudice

In this beloved classic, can you help but notice the many times Elizabeth partakes in this wonderful pastime? Her character is relatable to me as she relishes the escape to the outdoors, dousing her in glorious reprieve from stresses and scandals. Why not put on a regency dress for your outdoor walk? The cotton fabric would be perfectly breathable to work up a sweat.

Walk Your Dogs

This is vital for dogs; they must get adequate exercise and mental stimulation daily. Think of how many hours dogs are kept cooped up waiting for you to have time for them. Even country dogs that have acreage enjoy walking with you when you venture outdoors. Give your dogs your time and company and go on walks with them. It will benefit you too.

Your Daily Walk is Free & Available

Even in cities there are parks to walk to safe neighborhoods to walk. In the country there are roads to walk or your own property to walk. I have a well-worn path on less than an acre of land that provides me a walking trail sufficient for daily walks and almost daily I clock over an hour of walking on it. Some areas might require more safeguards, maybe a walking buddy, or a way to protect yourself when alone. This is one of those things you can do just for the joy of it, without any obligation to go at a certain time, no homework, no loss of investment. I think of a daily walk as a way to measure how and what is prioritized that day. If there is not even room for a walk, maybe it’s time to make way for this breathing room.


"Whatever is true,
whatever is honorable,
whatever is just,
whatever is pure,
whatever is lovely,
whatever is commendable,
if there is any excellence,
if there is anything worthy of praise
think about these things."
Philippians 4:8

Blogging about country living, homemaking, fashion and decor tips with a penchant for all things princessy, Barbie

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