Country Fashion

How to Dress Feminine on the Homestead Fashion Essentials Christian homemaking country living fashion blog


This blog is here to help you build your “Country Woman Wardrobe” as I call it. Country women need different wardrobe basics than suburban/city women. Our clothing must be durable and comfortable, and you are probably here if you are trying to do that without sacrificing feminine and stylish sense.


If you put something on, make sure it has pockets because you will need them. You can even enjoy your dresses out on your property because more are now being made with pockets due to customer demand. I started only buying leggings that have side pockets to use for my cell phone because it can’t fall out easily. I try to always buy jackets that have this feature. Look for coats that have closures like zippers or snaps to secure your items. An inside pocket on a jacket is absolute gold!


Buy real boots, not cheap fashion boots. Real boots are made for rough terrain. Real boots are meant to have traction, be weather resistant, and offer foot and ankle protection. Durable sneakers can work for some parts of rural property. But basically, anything other than boots or sneakers does not work. Once you start living on land, you will realize how most footwear is designed for paved or level manicured ground and popular footwear of all styles are completely useless outside of those kinds of areas. If you just moved to the country, boots are your new best friend. Do not cheap out on your boots, buy high quality for a better quality of life. You will need a quality pair of leather boots, waterproof boots like a rainboot, and a snow boot depending on your climate.


Durable fabric for leggings or jeans is important. Thin and flimsy fabric can rip easily because there is equipment, fences and animals that can tear fabric. Fabric durability protects you from abrasions. Stretch factor is important for comfort. But in hot weather, a thin pair of leggings is still a great asset since it will protect your legs while keeping you cooler than a thick pair. I have durable leggings as well as thin leggings for different seasons. A bonus item to invest in is a pair of waterproof rain pants. My rain pants may be one of the best items I ever bought.


A feminine shaped blouse or sweater goes a long way. If you are working with animals or doing a lot of gardening, you can’t have jewelry swinging around. I highly recommend wearing jewelry as a part of getting dressed for the day but keep it to small unobtrusive stud earrings or a short necklace at most. Also, it’s not like a homesteading woman is carrying a handbag as a part of her look. So back to my first point, our basic clothing items are our style items. The right cut or color and style details on our clothing is what makes a country woman look femininely styled. For instance, instead of a plain gray or black t-shirt, wear a distinctly feminine top. It could be a wrap top in a pretty wine color, or a purple blouse, etc. Stay away from anything androgenous that a man could wear because those items will not make you look womanly or beautiful. For cold weather, add in sweaters that are belted at the waist for feminine definition. Wear a knit hat that looks distinctly feminine in a flattering color, maybe with a pom pom, or pin a brooch on the side to make it look distinctly feminine.

Hats with Brims

The brimmed hat is the boot for the head. It protects you from snow, rain, and sun and allows you to traverse the outdoors with more ease. A classic cowgirl hat comes in many shapes. Also, baseball style hats with a bill over just the face are very good to have, and you can find feminine designs. In the spring and summer, we can enjoy our “garden” style hats that are made of woven or more delicate materials but still just as practical. These feminine woven hats look beautiful when out picking fruit in the orchard, or working in the garden, or having tea or coffee outdoors.


Gardening gloves can be found in all different adorable floral prints and pretty colors. You would also do well to invest in a pair of work gloves that are more durable. You can find these in various pretty colors not just black or brown.


You will need different weight of coats for different seasons as well as waterproof outerwear. The most beautiful style for any outerwear is the belted coat. It follows your natural silhouette without erasing your feminine shape even if it’s a thick bulky coat. You can find this style in lighter weight jackets, raincoats, and heavy winter coats.

I wear everything from leggings, to jeans, to skirts and dresses in the country but they must meet these criteria.

These are your basic homestead fashion essentials to get you started. But even these items can display your feminine sensibilities. Check back for more country living, fashion, and home!



"Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise think about these things." Philippians 4:8 Blogging about country living, homemaking, fashion and decor tips with a penchant for all things princessy, Barbie

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