dressing ladylike
whateverlovely.com Christian homemaking country living fashion blog


Not many decades ago, “dressing for the day” was a daily morning routine for women, no matter her financial state. In fact, sometimes the more dire her life circumstance, a woman would be even more careful to assume the position of dignity. This meant making the most of what she owned by keeping it clean and well put together. This is true for our homes as well as our appearance.

She makes bed coverings for herself;
    her clothing is fine linen and purple.

Proverbs 31:22
dressing ladylike

Daily Dressing is Polite

A lot has been said about dressing being the message you can send without saying words. This is true. And it goes both ways. By wearing something clean, good fitting, and nice looking, you are making a choice against something dirty, ill fitting, and unattractive. Dressing nice can have different motivations, but no matter your motivations, you are still sending signals with how you dress. If we were to show up to a wedding in casual clothes, that would convey a lack of respect toward the people and the occasion. When ladies use to dress for their day, they were dressing to a standard of politeness that society had at that time. They would wear dresses, jewelry, light makeup, and have their hair styled. They looked ready to interact with others in the home and elsewhere. They were ready for their daily work and ready to be around people. They looked as if it mattered to them. Their dress matched their intentions in making their home and family a priority, clean, beautiful, inviting, and happy.

Daily Dressing Blesses Your Husband

A marriage is meant to be romantic. The wife inspires romance by keeping herself beautified for her husband. We can be lax about this sometimes as we feel run down or start prioritizing everything but our husbands…but our husbands are priority under Christ. This is the order of things for the Christian wife. Bless your husband by dressing daily for him in a way that highlights your beauty and presents yourself to others in a respectable way as his wife. This even counts for loungewear and nightwear. Collect feminine and beautiful pieces so that any time of the day, you can wear something nice.

Daily Dressing Blesses Your Children

Dressing is a signal to children about your authority and your value. As we instill respectful speech and attitudes in children toward parents and others, it helps when we display respectful appearance as the role of the most important adult in their lives. Does a school principal or teacher slob around in joggers and baggy t-shirts with messy hair? No. This would not send the right message to the children about many things, one being the importance of their days with the children. But dressing well conveys much more tender things as well as respect. Children want to see their parents thriving and happy. When parents live in a way that represents chaos instead of order, neglect rather than caretaking, even when it’s just themselves, it affects children negatively. It makes children sad because they want to see their parent happy and well. They are learning how to live and what attitudes to copy. Model gratitude, dignity, and happiness, for your daily life and your daily duties by reflecting this in your daily appearance as well.

Daily Ladylike Dressing

Dressing well reminds us that we are ladies. Your appearance can be a reminder to carry yourself with poise, to enjoy your day, to speak graciously. Yes, this outer appearance can be a tool that we use to better ourselves. Especially when it is easy to feel worn down from work, from fretting, from hardship, or to forget to smooth the rough edges of our personalities a bit. One way to do this is to dress for your day in something ladylike.


"Whatever is true,
whatever is honorable,
whatever is just,
whatever is pure,
whatever is lovely,
whatever is commendable,
if there is any excellence,
if there is anything worthy of praise
think about these things."
Philippians 4:8

Blogging about country living, homemaking, fashion and decor tips with a penchant for all things princessy, Barbie

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