
5 Things Homemakers Should Do

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Our culture does not often admit others “should” do something. We like a loosey goosey take on everything. We do not want to draw hard lines but it’s sometimes at the cost of not being helpful. Go into any job and there is a job description to fulfill. The same is for homemaking. While you can homemake in a variety of ways, such as tailoring your work to the household’s preferences, you still need to meet certain needs of a household. This is not negotiable. If I were to tell a woman she can be a homemaker but not fulfill the duties of a homemaker, she would not be learning how to be a homemaker.

The fact is, there are concrete things that make you a competent homemaker. There is a standard to work by that allows you to become accomplished in the field. If there are no measurements of what we do as homemakers there is no distinction between a woman who has been doing it for 15 years and one who has been doing it for two. There is a difference and I can say that because I am at year 15 now and it is very different than when I was in year two. We all need training and guidance for how to become a homemaker.

Here are 5 things homemakers absolutely should do.
1) Keep a hygienic home. Toilets, showers, bedding. These are the hotspots for gunk, bacteria and smell that need to be addressed often. How often? Once per week. Feel free to clean these items more often. But a homemaker should keep these items sanitized at least once per week.

2) Wash dishes, floors, countertops and tabletops daily. These are the items that degrade hourly. Just keep attentive to these items and keep them as clean as you can every day all day.

3) Make the beds. Bedrooms with made beds look put together. Keep it fresh and beautiful by simply throwing the blankets back over and smoothing them. Fluff the pillows and it will not only look better but pillows will feel better since they actually do require this treatment for longevity and quality feel.

4) Feed your family. Cooking is not an option. Even if you are not enthusiastic about cooking, we must train a willingness to prepare and offer meals, even if they are not from scratch. Being a homemaker means taking on the role of the person who gives the meals. Even if you use boxed items, purchase pre-made, or do basic cooking. It is your job.

5) Beautify it! Declutter, organize and even shop for your home! Beautifying your home is your job. Even if you need help from a friend with an eye for design, or hire a decorator, this is still your job to make it happen however you do that. Decluttering and organizing is a part of beautifying your home as well as buying furniture and art. Be aware of what your house looks like and always aim to make it cozier, more inviting, and more comforting to the senses.

There is so much more that a homemaker can do. But at the very base level, these are the things she should do. Like it or not, this list will help you become an accomplished homemaker.

"Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise think about these things." Philippians 4:8 Blogging about country living, homemaking, fashion and decor tips with a penchant for all things princessy, Barbie

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