Welcome & About

“whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”

Philippians 4:8

My name is Barbie, and I am the blogger behind Whatever Lovely, a Christian blog on fashion, home & garden with a lot of country living. Read an article that will sweep you up in the romance of wifely ambitions of the home, garden, and something pretty to wear in it, and enjoy a bit of country life too. More than just inspiration, walk away with wisdom for your own home. My 15 years of career homemaking are behind every article meant to encourage women today who need to learn how to be a wife, a homemaker, and the kind of woman scripture tells us to be.

wife lighting dinner table candle

We have clear answers in the Holy Bible about how we should think, speak, behave, and live as women and wives. Instead of letting popular culture form our mindset and behavior, go back to the unchanging Word of God who gives us clarity about all things. The Lord Jesus is the way, we cannot do it without Him.

Come walk the garden with me as I introduce you to my endearing friends “Lilac, Rose, Hydrangea, Camilia….” the list goes on. There is always a new plant to meet or a new idea for garden design, and always plenty of romance. If you can embrace the grit of gardening, then you get to experience the thrill of it too.

country living blog

Living in the country means living closer to the land, the seasons, wildlife, and knowing what it means to plan for it. Getting dressed for the day means wearing shoes that allow you to walk down a gravel path or a dirt road to a mailbox, feed the chickens, or to traverse a garden. From fashion, to gardening, to decor, country living requires certain considerations that need to be highlighted for the country woman.

I show what works for the realities of daily life, like being outdoors, with children, pets, and dirt. My goal is to help you build a classy and feminine wardrobe, but especially one that works for your (country, perhaps?) life outdoors, with children, animals, and weather. My fashion blog is about infusing whimsical romance into daily living through textiles. colors and shapes. Featuring sewing pattern reviews, fabric fancies, & lots of dresses.

Follow my decor and design adventures as I detail it all here. From antiques and textiles that tell a story of French country and Mediterranean flair, to my American Western roots, it is femininity meets the frontier at its finest.

And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.

Colossians 3:15-16