Welcome & About

“whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”

Philippians 4:8

My name is Barbie, and I am the blogger behind Whatever Lovely, a country living lifestyle blog that covers fashion, home & garden. Read an article that will sweep you up in the romance of the home, garden, and something pretty to wear in it, and enjoy a bit of country life. More than just inspiration, walk away with wisdom for your own home too. After 15 years of being a career homemaker there is plenty here to help you. Discover the beauty of living closer to the land and closer to The Lord Jesus no matter where you live; building a home physically and spiritually to the glory of God.

There are different kinds of country properties based on region, weather, and the way you use your land. But any country property can be about living in a scenic world, meandering romantic country paths, pastures and roads, and enhancing the unique beauty around you. Country life is full of mud, dirt, wildlife, and more challenges, but country life is also meant for the finer things. While many homesteading blogs focus heavily on the utilitarian aspect of land use and being prepared, I highlight not only the pragmatic but the elegance to be designed into country living by giving stylistic ideas to beautiful solutions for the realities of living on the land.

Come walk the garden with me as I introduce you to my endearing friends “Lilac, Rose, Hydrangea, Camilia….” the list goes on. There is always a new plant to meet or a new idea for garden design, and always plenty of romance. If you can embrace the grit of gardening, then you get to experience the thrill of it too.

I coined myself a country fashion blogger since I show what works for the realities of country living, like ticks among other pests, grass, rocky ground and dirt. My goal is to help you build a classy and feminine wardrobe, but especially one that works for your country life outdoors, with children, animals, and weather. My fashion blog is all about the country woman’s wardrobe.

Follow my decor and design adventures as I detail it all here. From antiques and textiles that tell a story of French country and Mediterranean flair, to my American Western roots, it is femininity meets the frontier at its finest.

Spend time at home in the country with me,
